Monthly Archives: November 2014

Quark Sweet Dessert


This dessert is soooooo good just love it :)

Quark Sweet Dessert
One Oat biscuit
1 dl Quark (Kesam) or yogurt
One-piece dark chocolate

Quark Dairy product
Quark is a type of fresh dairy product, common for the cuisines of German-speaking countries, northern Europe, the Netherlands, Hungary, Israel, of Slavic peoples, and of Ashkenazi Jews.
You use yogurt instead of quark and you can just mix any fruit fruit in it.

Enjoy :)

Yogurt Mix Smoothie


Yogurt Mix Smoothie

1/2 cup Greek yogurt
20 g oats
1, pear
1/2 banana

You can add some water to thin it out a little bit.

Enjoy :)

Chicken Tortilla Wrap

chicken totilla

Fresh, Easy & Delicious!

For those of you who are in a hurry this is the perfect lunch option! We bring this wrap to work all the time, it’s healthy and keeps you full. You can always change the chicken to turkey, ham, tofu, eggs or whatever you desire that day! You can also add some cheese and heat it up. Just use your imagination :) You can also prepare this the day before and keep it in a container or zip lock bag in your fridge over night :)

Chicken tortilla:
Whole Wheat Tortilla Wrap
50 gr. Chicken
40 gr. Crème fraiche,
A little sweet chili sauce

Mixed salad
Feta cheese

Enjoy :)

PS: I didn’t have whole wheat tortilla so I used a white one not as healthy I know :)

Nutrition Rich Juice/ Fresh Citrus Juice/Carrots/Ginger


Fresh Citrus Juice/Carrots

1 lemon
1 lime
1 apple
1 thumb of ginger
1 orange
5 medium carrots

Makes about 2 glass of juice

Limes and lemons contain outstanding phytochemicals that are high in anti-oxidant and anti-cancer properties. They are potent detoxifiers with antibiotic effect that is protective against bacterial poisoning.
Apples are extremely rich in important antioxidants, flavonoids and dietary fiber.
Ginger stimulates blood flow to the digestive system and increases nutrient absorption.
Oranges are bursting with vitamin C, which is so important in these winter months.
Carrots are full of vitamins E and B, beta-carotene and various minerals.

Healthy Breakfast

oatA healthy breakfast is a great way to start the day

Try this easy breakfast Oatmeal with Blueberries

50 gr. oatmeal
1 tsp, Cinnamon
1 tsp, Coconut oil
Fresh blueberries


Enjoy :)