Category Archives: Blog

Our Favorite Beauty Tips



Here it is! The eat clean crews favorite beauty tips using only organic food! Say what? Yes, food for healthy glowing skin and hair, we even use food as a makeup remover :)

1. Coconut Oil

Yes! Again, we can’t get enough of coconut oil! Here are a few ways we use coconut oil for our body:

  • Hair Mask: If you have problems with dandruff or irritated scalp, using 1 Tbls on your scalp will dramatically improve your skin, leave it in for 10 min or over night and then rinse well with shampoo (you might need a few rounds but it is totally worth it) Another way to get healthy hair in stead of using expensive oils from your hairdresser is to apply some coconut oil to the ends of your hair and leave over night. This will leave your hair looking full and fresh.
  • Nails, lips & Body: Using coconut oil as a lotion or lip balm is a much healthier choice then using a store bought product because they usually contain so many chemicals that most of the time is only a short time remedy. So get a small container and add some coconut oil and keep it with you everywhere you go :) A small amount goes a long way, remember that when using it as a moisturizer. The best way is applying it after a shower or before bed so that the skin can soak up the oil without rubbing against your clothes.
  • Makeup Remover: Coconut oil is also a safer choice for makeup remover. Just a dab of oil will remove all of your makeup, even a waterproof mascara doesn’t stand a chance! It also leaves your skin glowing!

2. Avocado

  • Moisturizer: Use the inside of the skin (make sure it is ripe) and gently rub against the skin leave for about 15 minutes, rinse with luke warm water and pat dry.

3. Organic unrefined Shea Butter

  • Perfect as a moisturizer! It is great replacement for anti-age creams, also helps prevent stretchmarks and for healing wounds like diaper rashes. It also has a natural SPF of 5 and can be used as suns protection :)

Do you guys have any tips for us? If so send us a message on Facebook or here on our blog, we’ll add it to our blog under your name :) We love hearing from our readers that’s the only way we can grow as a team :)


Lots of Love

The Eat Clean Crew =)

Easy Pesto/Curry Chicken

chilli pesto



Chicken breast, about 1 kg.
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
2 large onions, finely chopped
3 garlic cloves, finely chopped
2 tablespoons curry powder
500 ml chicken stock
1 tablespoon chilli pesto or tomato purée
1/2 teaspoon sugar
2 tablespoons Crème Fraîche or natural yogurt
salt and freshly ground black pepper

1. Take the chicken breast and jointed into 10-12 pieces, and season them with salt and pepper.

2. Heat the oil in a deep frying pan. Add the chicken and brown it on all sides for 6–8 minutes over a medium heat. Set aside on a plate.

3. Cook the onions in the pan for 5 minutes until golden brown, stirring regularly. Add the garlic and curry powder and cook, stirring, for 1 minute.

4. Add the stock, chilli pesto or tomato purée, sugar and seasoning. Mix well and add the chicken. Bring to the boil, then reduce the heat, cover and simmer for 25 minutes or until tender.

5. Remove the chicken to a serving dish. Heat the sauce over a high heat for 2–3 minutes until reduced and thickened. Take the pan off the heat and stir in the crème fraîche or natural yogurt. Check seasoning, then pour the sauce over the chicken.

Serve with any type of rice/ or warm naan bread.

Enjoy :)

Quark Sweet Dessert


This dessert is soooooo good just love it :)

Quark Sweet Dessert
One Oat biscuit
1 dl Quark (Kesam) or yogurt
One-piece dark chocolate

Quark Dairy product
Quark is a type of fresh dairy product, common for the cuisines of German-speaking countries, northern Europe, the Netherlands, Hungary, Israel, of Slavic peoples, and of Ashkenazi Jews.
You use yogurt instead of quark and you can just mix any fruit fruit in it.

Enjoy :)

Yogurt Mix Smoothie


Yogurt Mix Smoothie

1/2 cup Greek yogurt
20 g oats
1, pear
1/2 banana

You can add some water to thin it out a little bit.

Enjoy :)

Chicken Tortilla Wrap

chicken totilla

Fresh, Easy & Delicious!

For those of you who are in a hurry this is the perfect lunch option! We bring this wrap to work all the time, it’s healthy and keeps you full. You can always change the chicken to turkey, ham, tofu, eggs or whatever you desire that day! You can also add some cheese and heat it up. Just use your imagination :) You can also prepare this the day before and keep it in a container or zip lock bag in your fridge over night :)

Chicken tortilla:
Whole Wheat Tortilla Wrap
50 gr. Chicken
40 gr. Crème fraiche,
A little sweet chili sauce

Mixed salad
Feta cheese

Enjoy :)

PS: I didn’t have whole wheat tortilla so I used a white one not as healthy I know :)